How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth using Natural Remedies

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Unfortunately the yellowing of teeth as we get older has more to do with our age, than diet and brushing habits. Many over-the-counter teeth whitening products are available or you can pay your dentist to perform a laser whitening procedure for you. These options certainly improve your tooth whiteness by a share or two, but the treatments are known to cause sensitive teeth and pain afterwards.


How to Whiten Yellow Teeth

If your teeth have a stained yellow appearance, there are natural ways to whiten and brighten your smile, with a little bit of effort. These home remedies show how to get rid of yellow teeth for practically no cost. They make a great option to try first before electing to undergo expensive whitening kits and dentist procedures.

Remember to always be careful with any whitening method for your teeth. Although you might think your teeth are one of the toughest components of your bodies, gums and tooth nerves are very sensitive, especially to whitening products. Personally I always use the minimum dosage amount and duration the first time I try any treatment. Once you’ve comfortable using a product you can start to increase the dosage over time as long as it’s within the manufacturers recommendations. Let’s be honest, white teeth are fantastic but it’s not worth hurting yourself and doing more harm than good..

What Causes Yellow Teeth?

One of the most important things to remember for a white smile is prevention is better than cure. In other words the best way to avoid yellow teeth is to avoid the foods and drinks which cause stains. A general rule of thumb is any food or liquid that would stain a white shirt, will also stain your teeth.

Below are the 4 most common reasons for staining your teeth:

  • Avoid Smoking: Tobacco is one of the worst causes for teeth becoming yellow or stained. The chemicals contained in the nicotine fill your mouth and gums and in the process stick to your teeth.
  • Limit your intake of Tea, Coffee, Wine and Soda: These drinks all contain colored ingredients which can cause staining. Reducing their consumption will naturally help produce less stains on your teeth.
  • Advice: After drinking these beverages, try to brush your teeth. If you don’t have a toothbrush or sink nearby, take a few sips of water and swish around water in your mouth in order to remove the residues.
  • Eat Less Sweets: Processed sugar products act harshly on your teeth and gums, causing harmful plaque, cavities and gum disease resulting in stains and discoloration to your teeth.
  • Advice: Avoid or at least cut down on eating products high in sugar and limit drinking sweetened sodas. If and when you consume these products, brush your teeth afterwards or rinse your mouth with water.
  • Protect Tooth Enamel: With age our tooth enamel wears naturally over time. The layer on our teeth below our enamel has a discolored appearance; which makes our teeth begin to look yellow when this surface is exposed. Once tooth enamel is worn away, it’s very difficult to restore your youthful whiteness. Protecting your enable from a young age is vital to retaining a white sparking smile. Although laser therapy can go some way to whitening teeth exposed from enamel wear, the most common approach for patients is having dental veneers fitted, which can be expensive and require regular maintenance and even replacement for your entire life.
  • Advice: Limit eating acidic foods, like candy. Make sure to rinse your mouth after consuming acidic foods. Alcohol is also a common cause of enamel wear.

How to Make Yellow Teeth White using Natural Teeth Whitening Products

Here is a summary on common home remedies for whitening your teeth, using inexpensive natural ingredients available in every household cupboard. Use these home remedies to restore your pearly bright smile.

Baking Soda: Baking soda is one of the best ingredients to remove stains from your teeth. It also helps in getting rid of plaque and making your teeth look bright.

  1. Mix baking soda with a small amount of toothpaste. Brush your teeth with this coarse mixture. Apply this remedy once a week.
  2. Mix baking soda with lemon juice, white vinegar or water to make a paste. Brush your teeth with this paste once a week.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one and half tablespoon of diluted 3% hydrogen peroxide with one cup of water to make your own mouthwash. You can use this homemade mouthwash 2 to 3 times a day.

Warning: Baking soda acts abrasively on your tooth enamel, therefore do not use it more often than once a week. Also if you have sensitive teeth, be very careful the first time attempting this remedy.

Strawberries: Make a paste by crushing a 2-3 strawberries. Rub the paste gently onto your teeth. The vitamin C and seeds will help in removing plaque, making your teeth whiter in the process. Use this remedy once a day and watch the yellow stains on your teeth vanish over time.

Advice: Strawberries contain sugar and acid. Brush your teeth thirty minutes after applying this remedy and rinse with water.

Orange Peel: To reduce the yellow tone on your teeth, rub orange peel onto them regularly. The Vitamin C and calcium contained in the orange peels will attack your dental microorganisms effectively.

  1. Clean your teeth with orange peel before you sleep every night and notice the positive results in a few weeks.
  2. You can use orange peel powder, in case fresh orange peel is not available.
  3. Rinse your teeth after this application.

Banana Peel: Rub the inside of a banana peel on your teeth for 3-4 minutes. After you are finished rubbing, wait for a few minutes, and then brush your teeth (no toothpaste, just using the banana). Follow this home remedy for few weeks and show your bright smile to your friends.

Hydrogen Peroxide / Water Mouthwash: You can make your own mouthwash at home by mixing 3% hydrogen peroxide and water in equal parts. Rinse and swish this mixture in your mouth, but take care not to swallow. Hydrogen Peroxide has mild bleaching effect on your teeth to restore their whiteness.

Warning: Use hydrogen peroxide sparingly, as it can be harsh on the tooth enamel, cause irritation to the gums and make your teeth more sensitive.

Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables: When you bite into crunchy fruits or vegetables, they scrub your teeth like a toothbrush and make them whiter by removing the film that may stain your teeth.

  1. Eating other crunchy food items, such as carrots, cucumbers is also a good technique to use, if you are out during the day and looking for a fast way to brighten your smile.
  2. This method works best with the firmest, freshest apple or other crunchy fruits like pears. A tart apple will give better results than the soft, sugary one.

Calcium Rich Diet: In order to re-mineralize tooth enamel and protect your teeth against plaque, have food items that have more calcium and vitamin D, such as dairy products including milk, yogurt and cheese. Remember less plaque is a sure way to whiten your teeth.

Final Thoughts – How to Clean Yellow Teeth

  1. Take a few sips of water every hour or so and swish it around your mouth to wash away debris and residues that build up on your teeth throughout the day.
  2. Don’t use too many whitening products, and always use a moderate amount the first time you try them. Use any product in moderation, so that you don’t lose your tooth enamel and end up with sensitive yellow teeth.
  3. Always try to brush your teeth around 30 minutes after eating sugar or acidic foods. If you don’t have a toothbrush with you, drink water and swish around your mouth before swallowing.
  4. It’s normal for tooth enamel to naturally wear as we get older. Older folk will natural have gray or yellow teeth compared to adolescence and children.
  5. Don’t eat too many candy or chocolates.

Whenever a person reaches the point that they begin using whitening products, it’s easy to want brilliant results sooner than can be expected. Limit using baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and other over-the-counter whitening treatments as they can wear your enamel which does more harm than good. Use all treatments sparingly or better yet use only natural ingredients.

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My name is Ellie and I love all the latest beauty, fashion and hair trends. My blog covers anything from social media, product reviews & how-to guides. If you're anything like me and struggle for spare time hopefully you'll find my tips save you time and money.

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